ADS Library and ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9849-877X
arXivPrevention is better than cure? Feedback from high specific energy winds in cosmological simulations with ArkenstoneBennett, J. S., Smith, M. C., Fielding, D. B., Bryan, G. L., Kim, C.-G., Springel, V., and Hernquist, L.2024, arXiv:2410.12909
We deploy the new Arkenstone galactic wind model in cosmological simulations for the first time, allowing us to robustly resolve the evolution and impact of high specific energy winds. In a (25 Mpc/h)^3 box we perform a set of numerical experiments that systematically vary the mass and energy loadings of such winds, finding that their energy content is the key parameter controlling the stellar to dark matter mass ratio. Increasing the mass loading, at fixed energy, actually results in mildly enhanced star formation, counter to prevailing wisdom but in agreement with recent analytic models. Of the simple parametrisations that we test, we find that an energy loading that scales inversely with halo mass best matches a wide range of observations, and can do so with mass loadings drastically lower than those in most previous cosmological simulations. In this scenario, much less material is ejected from the interstellar medium. Instead, winds both heat gas in the circumgalactic medium, slowing infall onto the galaxy, and also drive shocks beyond the virial radius, preventing accretion onto the halo in the first place. We have not yet tied the mass and energy loadings to high-resolution simulations (a key goal of the Learning the Universe collaboration); however, we can already report that a much lower fraction of the available supernova energy is needed in preventative galaxy regulation than required by ejective wind feedback models such as IllustrisTNG.
ApJTowards Implementation of the Pressure-Regulated, Feedback-Modulated Model of Star Formation in Cosmological Simulations: Methods and Application to TNGHassan, S., Ostriker, E. C., Kim, C.-G., Bryan, G. L., Burger, J. D., Fielding, D. B., Forbes, J. C., Genel, S., Hernquist, L., Jeffreson, S. M. R., Motwani, B., Smith, M. C., Somerville, R. S., Steinwandel, U. P., and Teyssier, R.2024, ApJ, 975, 151
Traditional star formation subgrid models implemented in cosmological galaxy formation simulations, such as that of Springel & Hernquist (2003, hereafter SH03), employ adjustable parameters to satisfy constraints measured in the local Universe. In recent years, however, theory and spatially-resolved simulations of the turbulent, multiphase, star-forming ISM have begun to produce new first-principles models, which when fully developed can replace traditional subgrid prescriptions. This approach has advantages of being physically motivated and predictive rather than empirically tuned, and allowing for varying environmental conditions rather than being tied to local Universe conditions. As a prototype of this new approach, by combining calibrations from the TIGRESS numerical framework with the Pressure-Regulated Feedback-Modulated (PRFM) theory, simple formulae can be obtained for both the gas depletion time and an effective equation of state. Considering galaxies in TNG50, we compare the "native" simulation outputs with post-processed predictions from PRFM. At TNG50 resolution, the total midplane pressure is nearly equal to the total ISM weight, indicating that galaxies in TNG50 are close to satisfying vertical equilibrium. The measured gas scale height is also close to theoretical equilibrium predictions. The slopes of the effective equations of states are similar, but with effective velocity dispersion normalization from SH03 slightly larger than that from current TIGRESS simulations. Because of this and the decrease in PRFM feedback yield at high pressure, the PRFM model predicts shorter gas depletion times than the SH03 model at high densities and redshift. Our results represent a first step towards implementing new, numerically calibrated subgrid algorithms in cosmological galaxy formation simulations.
MNRASARKENSTONE - II. A model for unresolved cool clouds entrained in galactic winds in cosmological simulationsSmith, M. C., Fielding, D. B., Bryan, G. L., Bennett, J. S., Kim, C.-G., Ostriker, E. C., and Somerville, R. S.2024, MNRAS, in press, stae2589
Arkenstone is a new scheme that allows multiphase, stellar feedback-driven winds to be included in coarse resolution cosmological simulations. The evolution of galactic winds and their subsequent impact on the circumgalactic medium are altered by exchanges of mass, energy, momentum, and metals between their component phases. These exchanges are governed by complex, small-scale physical processes that cannot be resolved in cosmological simulations. In this second presentation paper, we describe Arkenstone’s novel cloud particle approach for modelling unresolvable cool clouds entrained in hot, fast winds. This general framework allows models of the cloud-wind interaction, derived from state-of-the-art high-resolution simulations, to be applied in a large-scale context. In this work, we adopt a cloud evolution model that captures simultaneous cloud mass loss to and gain from the ambient hot phase via turbulent mixing and radiative cooling, respectively. We demonstrate the scheme using non-cosmological idealized simulations of a galaxy with a realistic circumgalactic medium component, using the Arepo code. We show that the ability of a high-specific energy wind component to perform preventative feedback may be limited by heavy loading of cool clouds coupled into it. We demonstrate that the diverging evolution of clouds of initially differing masses leads to a complex velocity field for the cool phase and a cloud mass function that varies both spatially and temporally in a non-trivial manner. These latter two phenomena can manifest in the simulation because of our choice of a Lagrangian discretisation of the cloud population, in contrast to other proposed schemes.
MNRASARKENSTONE - I. A novel method for robustly capturing high specific energy outflows in cosmological simulationsSmith, M. C., Fielding, D. B., Bryan, G. L., Kim, C.-G., Ostriker, E. C., Somerville, R. S., Stern, J., Su, K.-Y., Weinberger, R., Hu, C.-Y., Forbes, J. C., Hernquist, L., Burkhart, B., and Li, Y.2024, MNRAS, 527, 1216-1243
ARKENSTONE is a new model for multiphase, stellar feedback-driven galactic winds designed for inclusion in coarse resolution cosmological simulations. In this first paper of a series, we describe the features that allow ARKENSTONE to properly treat high specific energy wind components and demonstrate them using idealized non-cosmological simulations of a galaxy with a realistic circumgalactic medium (CGM), using the AREPO code. Hot, fast gas phases with low mass loadings are predicted to dominate the energy content of multiphase outflows. In order to treat the huge dynamic range of spatial scales involved in cosmological galaxy formation at feasible computational expense, cosmological volume simulations typically employ a Lagrangian code or else use adaptive mesh refinement with a quasi-Lagrangian refinement strategy. However, it is difficult to inject a high specific energy wind in a Lagrangian scheme without incurring artificial burstiness. Additionally, the low densities inherent to this type of flow result in poor spatial resolution. ARKENSTONE addresses these issues with a novel scheme for coupling energy into the transition region between the interstellar medium (ISM) and the CGM, while also providing refinement at the base of the wind. Without our improvements, we show that poor spatial resolution near the sonic point of a hot, fast outflow leads to an underestimation of gas acceleration as the wind propagates. We explore the different mechanisms by which low and high specific energy winds can regulate the star formation rate of galaxies. In future work, we will demonstrate other aspects of the ARKENSTONE model.
ApJCode Comparison in Galaxy-scale Simulations with Resolved Supernova Feedback: Lagrangian versus Eulerian MethodsHu, C.-Y., Smith, M. C., Teyssier, R., Bryan, G. L., Verbeke, R., Emerick, A., Somerville, R. S., Burkhart, B., Li, Y., Forbes, J. C., and Starkenburg, T.2023, ApJ, 950, 132
We present a suite of high-resolution simulations of an isolated dwarf galaxy using four different hydrodynamical codes: GIZMO, AREPO, GADGET, and RAMSES. All codes adopt the same physical model, which includes radiative cooling, photoelectric heating, star formation, and supernova (SN) feedback. Individual SN explosions are directly resolved without resorting to subgrid models, eliminating one of the major uncertainties in cosmological simulations. We find reasonable agreement on the time-averaged star formation rates as well as the joint density-temperature distributions between all codes. However, the Lagrangian codes show significantly burstier star formation, larger SN-driven bubbles, and stronger galactic outflows compared to the Eulerian code. This is caused by the behavior in the dense, collapsing gas clouds when the Jeans length becomes unresolved: Gas in Lagrangian codes collapses to much higher densities than that in Eulerian codes, as the latter is stabilized by the minimal cell size. Therefore, more of the gas cloud is converted to stars and SNe are much more clustered in the Lagrangian models, amplifying their dynamical impact. The differences between Lagrangian and Eulerian codes can be reduced by adopting a higher star formation efficiency in Eulerian codes, which significantly enhances SN clustering in the latter. Adopting a zero SN delay time reduces burstiness in all codes, resulting in vanishing outflows as SN clustering is suppressed.
MNRASTwo can play at that game: constraining the role of supernova and AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies with cosmological zoom-in simulationsKoudmani, S., Sijacki, D., and Smith, M. C.2022, MNRAS, , arXiv:2206.11274
There is growing observational evidence for dwarf galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN), including hints of AGN-driven outflows in dwarfs. However, in the common theoretical model of galaxy formation, efficient supernova (SN) feedback is the tool of choice for regulating star formation in the low-mass regime. In this paper, we present a suite of high-resolution cosmological dwarf zoom-in simulations relaxing the assumption of strong SN feedback, with the goal to determine whether more moderate SN feedback in combination with an efficient AGN could be a suitable alternative. Importantly, we find that there are sufficient amounts of gas to power brief Eddington-limited accretion episodes in dwarfs. This leads to a variety of outcomes depending on the AGN accretion model: from no additional suppression to moderate regulation of star formation to catastrophic quenching. Efficient AGN can drive powerful outflows, depleting the gas reservoir of their hosts via ejective feedback and then maintaining a quiescent state through heating the circumgalactic medium. Moderate AGN outflows can be as efficient as the strong SN feedback commonly employed, leading to star formation regulation and HI gas masses in agreement with observations of field dwarfs. All efficient AGN set-ups are associated with overmassive black holes (BHs) compared to the (heavily extrapolated) observed BH mass - stellar mass scaling relations, with future direct observational constraints in this mass regime being crucially needed. Efficient AGN activity is mostly restricted to high redshifts, with hot, accelerated outflows and high X-ray luminosities being the clearest tell-tale signs for future observational campaigns.
ApJFirst Results from SMAUG: Insights into Star Formation Conditions from Spatially Resolved ISM Properties in TNG50Motwani, B., Genel, S., Bryan, G. L., Kim, C.-G., Pandya, V., Somerville, R. S., Smith, M. C., Ostriker, E. C., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Forbes, J. C., Belfiore, F., Pakmor, R., and Hernquist, L.2022, ApJ, 926, 139
Physical and chemical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) at subgalactic (∼kiloparsec) scales play an indispensable role in controlling the ability of gas to form stars. In this paper, we use the TNG50 cosmological simulation to explore the physical parameter space of eight resolved ISM properties in star-forming regions to constrain the areas of this hyperspace where most star-forming environments exist. We deconstruct our simulated galaxies spanning a wide range of mass (M* = 107−11 M⊙) and redshift (0 ≤ z ≤ 3) into kiloparsec-sized regions and statistically analyze the gas/stellar surface densities, gas metallicity, vertical stellar velocity dispersion, epicyclic frequency, and dark-matter volumetric density representative of each region in the context of their star formation activity and environment (radial galactocentric location). By examining the star formation rate (SFR) weighted distributions of these properties, we show that stars primarily form in two distinct environmental regimes, which are brought about by an underlying bicomponent radial SFR profile in galaxies. We examine how the relative prominence of these regimes depends on galaxy mass and cosmic time. We also compare our findings with those from integral field spectroscopy observations and find similarities as well as departures. Further, using dimensionality reduction, we characterize the aforementioned hyperspace to reveal a high degree of multicollinearity in relationships among ISM properties that drive the distribution of star formation at kiloparsec scales. Based on this, we show that a reduced 3D representation underpinned by a multivariate radius relationship is sufficient to capture most of the variance in the original 8D space.
MNRASEfficient early stellar feedback can suppress galactic outflows by reducing supernova clusteringSmith, M. C., Bryan, G. L., Somerville, R. S., Hu, C.-Y., Teyssier, R., Burkhart, B., and Hernquist, L.2021, MNRAS, 506, 3882
We present a novel set of stellar feedback models, implemented in the moving-mesh code AREPO, designed for galaxy formation simulations with near-parsec (or better) resolution. These include explicit sampling of stars from the IMF, allowing feedback to be linked to individual massive stars, an improved method for the modelling of H II regions, photoelectric heating from a spatially varying FUV field and supernova feedback. We perform a suite of 32 simulations of isolated Mvir = 1010 M⊙ galaxies with a baryonic mass resolution of 20 M⊙ in order to study the non-linear coupling of the different feedback channels. We find that photoionization and supernova feedback are both independently capable of regulating star formation to the same level, while photoelectric heating is inefficient. Photoionization produces a considerably smoother star formation history than supernovae. When all feedback channels are combined, the additional suppression of star formation rates is minor. However, outflow rates are substantially reduced relative to the supernova only simulations. We show that this is directly caused by a suppression of supernova clustering by the photoionization feedback, disrupting star forming clouds prior to the first supernovae. We demonstrate that our results are robust to variations of our star formation prescription, feedback models and the baryon fraction of the galaxy. Our results also imply that the burstiness of star formation and the mass loading of outflows may be overestimated if the adopted star particle mass is considerably larger than the mass of individual stars because this imposes a minimum cluster size.
MNRASThe sensitivity of stellar feedback to IMF averaging versus IMF sampling in galaxy formation simulationsSmith, M. C.2021, MNRAS, 502, 5417
Galaxy formation simulations frequently use initial mass function (IMF) averaged feedback prescriptions, where star particles are assumed to represent single stellar populations that fully sample the IMF. This approximation breaks down at high mass resolution, where stochastic variations in stellar populations become important. We discuss various schemes to populate star particles with stellar masses explicitly sampled from the IMF. We use Monte Carlo numerical experiments to examine the ability of the schemes to reproduce an input IMF in an unbiased manner while conserving mass. We present our preferred scheme which can easily be added to pre-existing star formation prescriptions. We then carry out a series of high-resolution isolated simulations of dwarf galaxies with supernovae (SNe), photoionization, and photoelectric heating to compare the differences between using IMF averaged feedback and explicitly sampling the IMF. We find that if SNe are the only form of feedback, triggering individual SNe from IMF averaged rates gives identical results to IMF sampling. However, we find that photoionization is more effective at regulating star formation when IMF averaged rates are used, creating more, smaller H II regions than the rare, bright sources produced by IMF sampling. We note that the increased efficiency of the IMF averaged feedback versus IMF sampling is not necessarily a general trend and may be reversed depending on feedback channel, resolution and other details. However, IMF sampling is always the more physically motivated approach. We conservatively suggest that it should be used for star particles less massive than ~500 M⊙.
ApJLA Framework for Multiphase Galactic Wind Launching Using TIGRESSKim, C.-G., Ostriker, E. C., Fielding, D. B., Smith, M. C., Bryan, G. L., Somerville, R. S., Forbes, J. C., Genel, S., and Hernquist, L.2020, ApJL, 903, L34
Galactic outflows have density, temperature, and velocity variations at least as large as those of the multiphase, turbulent interstellar medium (ISM) from which they originate. We have conducted a suite of parsec-resolution numerical simulations using the TIGRESS framework, in which outflows emerge as a consequence of interaction between supernovae (SNe) and the star-forming ISM. The outflowing gas is characterized by two distinct thermal phases, cool (T ≲ 104 K) and hot (T ≳ 106 K), with most mass carried by the cool phase and most energy and newly injected metals carried by the hot phase. Both components have a broad distribution of outflow velocity, and especially for cool gas this implies a varying fraction of escaping material depending on the halo potential. Informed by the TIGRESS results, we develop straightforward analytic formulae for the joint probability density functions (PDFs) of mass, momentum, energy, and metal loading as distributions in outflow velocity and sound speed. The model PDFs have only two parameters, star formation rate surface density ΣSFR and the metallicity of the ISM, and fully capture the behavior of the original TIGRESS simulation PDFs over ΣSFR ∈(10-4,1) M⊙ kpc-2 Myr-1. Employing PDFs from resolved simulations will enable implementations of subgrid models for galaxy formation with wind velocity and temperature (as well as total loading factors) that are based on theoretical predictions rather than empirical tuning. This is a critical step to incorporate advances from TIGRESS and other high-resolution simulations in future cosmological hydrodynamics and semi-analytic galaxy formation models. We release a Python package to prototype our model and to ease its implementation.
MNRASCosmological simulations of dwarfs: the need for ISM physics beyond SN feedback aloneSmith, M. C., Sijacki, D., and Shen, S.2019, MNRAS, 485, 3317
The dominant feedback mechanism in low-mass haloes is usually assumed to take the form of massive stars exploding as supernovae (SNe). We perform very high resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of five dwarf galaxies to z = 4 with our mechanical SN feedback model. This delivers the correct amount of momentum corresponding to the stage of the SN remnant evolution resolved, and has been shown to lead to realistic dwarf properties in isolated simulations. We find that in four out of our five simulated cosmological dwarfs, SN feedback has insufficient impact resulting in excessive stellar masses, extremely compact sizes and central supersolar stellar metallicities. The failure of the SN feedback in our dwarfs is physical in nature within our model and is the result of the build-up of very dense gas in the early universe due to mergers and cosmic inflows prior to the first SN occurring. We demonstrate that our results are insensitive to resolution (provided that it is high enough), details of the (spatially uniform) UV background and reasonable alterations within our star formation prescription. We therefore conclude that the ability of SNe to regulate dwarf galaxy properties is dependent on other physical processes, such as turbulent pressure support, clustering, and runaway of SN progenitors and other sources of stellar feedback.
MNRASFast and energetic AGN-driven outflows in simulated dwarf galaxiesKoudmani, S., Sijacki, D., Bourne, M. A., and Smith, M. C.2019, MNRAS, 484, 2047
The systematic analysis of optical large-scale surveys has revealed a population of dwarf galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN), which have been confirmed by X-ray follow-up observations. Recently, the MaNGA survey identified six dwarf galaxies that appear to have an AGN that is preventing on-going star formation. It is therefore timely to study the physical properties of dwarf galaxies, in particular whether the presence of an AGN can affect their evolution. Using the moving mesh code AREPO, we have investigated different models of AGN activity, ranging from simple energy-driven spherical winds to collimated, mass-loaded, bipolar outflows in high-resolution simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies hosting an active black hole. Our simulations also include a novel implementation of star formation and mechanical supernova (SN) feedback. We find that AGN outflows have a small but systematic effect on the central star formation rates (SFRs) for all set-ups explored, while substantial effects on the global SFR are only obtained with strong SNe and a sustained high-luminosity AGN with an isotropic wind. This suggests that AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies is unlikely to directly regulate their global SFRs. There is, however, a significant effect on outflow properties, which are notably enhanced by the AGN to much higher outflow temperatures and velocities, in agreement with kinematic signatures from the MaNGA survey. This indicates that AGN may play an indirect role in regulating the baryon cycle in dwarf galaxies by hindering cosmic gas inflows.
MNRASSupernova feedback in numerical simulations of galaxy formation: separating physics from numericsSmith, M. C., Sijacki, D., and Shen, S.2018, MNRAS, 478, 302
While feedback from massive stars exploding as supernovae (SNe) is thought to be one of the key ingredients regulating galaxy formation, theoretically it is still unclear how the available energy couples to the interstellar medium and how galactic scale outflows are launched. We present a novel implementation of six sub-grid SN feedback schemes in the moving-mesh code AREPO, including injections of thermal and/or kinetic energy, two parametrizations of delayed cooling feedback and a ‘mechanical’ feedback scheme that injects the correct amount of momentum depending on the relevant scale of the SN remnant resolved. All schemes make use of individually time-resolved SN events. Adopting isolated disc galaxy set-ups at different resolutions, with the highest resolution runs reasonably resolving the Sedov-Taylor phase of the SN, we aim to find a physically motivated scheme with as few tunable parameters as possible. As expected, simple injections of energy overcool at all but the highest resolution. Our delayed cooling schemes result in overstrong feedback, destroying the disc. The mechanical feedback scheme is efficient at suppressing star formation, agrees well with the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, and leads to converged star formation rates and galaxy morphologies with increasing resolution without fine-tuning any parameters. However, we find it difficult to produce outflows with high enough mass loading factors at all but the highest resolution, indicating either that we have oversimplified the evolution of unresolved SN remnants, require other stellar feedback processes to be included, and require a better star formation prescription or most likely some combination of these issues.